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Últimos assuntos | » Apresentação de MembrosQua Mar 07, 2012 5:42 pm por marcosvini» Taverna [ Mural de Recados ]Seg Out 03, 2011 7:20 pm por PandoraYuki» Reino de AaranSeg Out 03, 2011 6:50 pm por Anne Leslie» Reino de VanehainSex Set 16, 2011 6:18 pm por Narração» Nova ficha (Façam as fichas)Sex Set 02, 2011 7:53 pm por PandoraYuki» Point Ville - The GameQua Ago 31, 2011 8:27 pm por Lucy Vicktoria» Rota Kiri - KonohaSeg Ago 22, 2011 10:45 pm por Lizzy» Rota Konoha - HotaruSáb Ago 20, 2011 1:49 pm por Narração» Prólogo - AghataQua Ago 17, 2011 6:12 pm por jessica.sens» Enoch City - Colônia HumanaQui Ago 11, 2011 7:29 pm por Lizzy» Refúgio YahaQui Ago 11, 2011 10:36 am por hallnoxx» O reencontroTer Ago 02, 2011 5:02 pm por Lizzy» Casa SozanoTer Ago 02, 2011 2:08 pm por Narração» Uma dívida de honra - Mirthul 1464Seg Ago 01, 2011 5:35 pm por Lizzy» SolicitaçõesTer Jul 26, 2011 12:26 pm por Lizzy |
Novidades da TocadT | Qui Jun 30, 2011 1:04 pm por Lord Malka | Galerinha,
estou desenvolvendo a TocadT em nova versão para o endereço tocadt.net conforme havia tentado da outra vez. Porém agora estou com um sistema muito melhor do que o ultimo implementado e acredito que desta vez tudo vai andar conforme …
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Jogos em Andamento e Novos Jogos | Seg maio 02, 2011 3:14 am por Narração | Olá Galerinha da TocadT, e visitantes,
Estou aqui para informar os jogos que estão atualmente abertos e aqueles que foram adicionados à pouco tempo e que necessitam de novos jogadores ^.~
Primeiramente vou falar sobre os jogos já abertos, rolando …
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TocadT 5.0 abre suas Portas... | Sáb Mar 26, 2011 3:08 am por Lord Malka | Após atravessar todo e qualquer perigo que se possa imaginar, você finalmente encontra aquela caverna. Sua entrada era colossal, talvez um dragão antigo fizesse o lugar de refúgio. Mas você só saberá após …
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Flux | |
| Sala de Chá do Las Noches | |
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Autor | Mensagem |
hallnoxx Moderador
Número de Mensagens : 1915 Idade : 40 Jogos Ativos : Ko Personagens : Ku XP : 8420 Data de inscrição : 22/10/2008
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Qui Set 10, 2009 8:21 pm | |
| Spoiler mais completo xD ^^
Sinceramente, só vendo amanhã para saber quem foi xD
Source: sheetz @ FLOL Credits: Zangetsu01 Verification: Confirmed
ブリーチ BLEACH ネタバレ 373.Wolves Ain't Howl Alone <<< スターク VS ラヴ&ローズ >>> Starrk VS Love and Rose 見渡す限りの狼の群れの中央に スタークはいた Stark is standing in the midst of a pack of wolves stretching as far as the eye can see. スタークの腕に下がっていた銃は なぜか見当たらず The gun hanging from his arm is for some reason gone. そしてその表情は 悲しみを帯びていた And his expression is tinged with sadness. そして スタークは呟くように言った He mutters, スターク:「いくぜ スターク」 Stark: "Go, Starrk" スタークの合図で 一斉にラヴとローズに向って駆け出す狼 At his signal, the wolves all rush towards Love and Rose. ローズ:「来るよ!!」 Rose: "They're coming!!" ラヴ:「わかってら!!」 Love: "Right!!" すかさず仮面化した二人 They don their masks without a moment's delay. ドゥッ 次々と向ってくる狼達を ラブは棍棒で応酬した One by one Love beats down on the approaching wolves with his cudgel. 続いてローズも始解 Then Rose goes shikai. ローズ:「奏でろ〝金沙羅〟!!!」 Rose: "Play, Sal Tree!!!" すると ローズの刀が縄のように伸び His sword stretches out like a rope. その先端に一輪の花が咲いたそれは On the tip there's a single flower. 狼を 鞭のような動きで 切り裂いていった He uses it like a whip and cuts up the wolves. ラヴ:「奴ら炎みてえなモンだ!キリが無えぞ!!」 Love: "These guys are like flames! There's no end to them!!" ローズ:「厄介だなぁ! ボクこういう魔法みたいな 得体の知れない技が 一番キライなんだよ・・・」 Rose: "How bothersome! I dislike these strange, witchcraft-like techniques. They're the worst..." そういい終わるが否や ローズ言った As he finishes saying this, ローズ:「金沙羅奏曲 第十一番―――〝十六夜薔薇〟」 Rose: "Golden Sal Tree Sonata #11---16th Night Rose" そしてローズは 縄のように伸びた刀に ピアノの鍵盤を叩くように 指を這わせた He motions his fingers on the rope-like sword as if he were playing the piano. ドン BANG! ローズの 縄のように伸びた刀の先端部分の花が 大爆発した The flower on the end of the sword causes an explosion. ラヴ:「オメーの技の方が よっぽど魔法じゃねぇか!!」 Love: "It's really your technique that's a lot like witchcraft!!" ローズ:「冗談! ボクのはアート!! 魔法とアートは似て非なるものだよ!」 Rose: "You jest! Mine is art!! Witchcraft and art are falsely similar!" そしてラヴとローズは 狼の群れと戦うが The two of them continue fighting the wolves, 狼達も ローズの刀に噛み付いたりで 戦いは 苦戦を強いられた but it's a hard fought battle with the wolves snapping at Rose's sword. キュォォォォォォ カッ ズズズズズ・・・・・ 一匹の狼が ラヴの足に噛み付いたその瞬間 One of the wolves bite at Love's foot. 物凄い爆発音と閃光が上がり At that instant there's a huge explosion and flash, ラヴとローズは その煙に飲み込まれた and they are engulfed in smoke. ラヴ:「げほっ げほっ ローズ!! ローズ!! 聞こえるか!?」 Love: "Cough, cough. Rose!! Rose!! Can you hear me!?" 煙の中から飛び出したラヴは ローズに向って声をかけた He leaps out of the smoke and heads towards Rose as he calls out. 同時に 煙の中から脱出していたローズは ラヴの後方から返事をした At the same time, Rose escapes from the smoke and responds to Love from behind. ローズ:「何だい」 Rose: "What was that?" ラヴ:「わかったぞ! 奴ら炎じゃねえ! 虚閃だ!! Love: "I figured it out! They aren't flames! They're ceros!! あの狼共 十刃の弾倉から出てきた! Those wolves are made from espada revolver cylinders! 一匹一匹があいつが打ってた 虚閃のカタマリだ!! One by one they were attacking, these Lumps of ceros!! 接近戦での 爆発はヤべえ・・・」 The explosions are a pain when fighting in close combat..." そう言ったラヴの背後から 狼達は現れ Wolves appear from behind Love. そして噛み付いた They bite at him. ラヴ:「く・・・ そ・・・ッ」 Love: "Oh...damn" ズァ・・・ン 再びの爆音と暴煙 Once again there an explosion and smoke. 狼達とラヴ&ローズの戦いを 遠巻きに眺めていたスタークは言った Starrk watches them battling from a distance. スターク:「・・・虚閃じゃねえよ Starrk: "...They aren't ceros, you know. ただの虚閃なら 致命傷を与える力はねぇさ If they were only ceros they couldn't inflict a fatal wound. 自分自身の魂そのものを 分かち 引き裂き They are my own soul that's been divided up 同胞のように連れ従え それそのものを武器とする These followers are like my brethren, and I use them as my weapons. その狼の弾頭は スタークであり リリネット Those wolverine warheads are Starrk and Lilynette. それが俺達 第1十刃 コヨーテ・スターク リリネット・ジンジャーバックの能力」 That's the ability of the #1 Espada, Coyote Starrk Lilynette Gingerback." 暴煙が収まりかけた陰から現れたのは 片ひざをついて 息荒げに呼吸する ラヴとローズだった After the smoke lifts we see Love and Rose, on their knees and breathing heavily. その姿を見とめたスタークは ラヴとローズに向って言った Seeing them Starrk says, スターク:「・・・勝負あったろ 逃げりゃ見逃すぜ」 Starrk: "The match is done. If you flee I'll look the other way." スタークの言葉に 「ペッ」とつばを吐き 眼鏡なしの すごんだ表情のラヴがひと言 吐き捨てた Love, who's lost his glasses, spits out in disgust: ラヴ:「・・・ナメんなよ」 Love:"...Don't treat us lightly" スターク:「・・・そうかい Starrk: "....Oh, really? 仕方無え トドメって言葉は好きじゃねぇが・・・ I suppose I have no choice. I don't like the word, "clincher," but... トドメといくぜ」 Here's the clincher." そう言い 一歩前に踏み出したスタークの体のど真ん中を 背後から 鋭利な何かが突き刺さった Before he can take one step forward, Starrk is pierced from behind by a sharp object through the middle of his body. この刃は・・・!? What is this blade? ヴリーチ BLEACH 374へ続く Continued in Bleach 374. | |
| | | Bentz Nível 4
Número de Mensagens : 592 Idade : 36 Jogos Ativos : 3 Personagens : 6 XP : 6646 Data de inscrição : 11/05/2009
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Qui Set 10, 2009 8:32 pm | |
| Ok ok...vc venceu ¬¬" , afinal o que peguei era apenas um resumo msm, mas eu pus a imagem hahaha XP .. XD ..!!!!Abraçuxs ^^ ..!! | |
| | | admin3 Admin
Número de Mensagens : 1732 Idade : 34 XP : 8529 Data de inscrição : 17/01/2009
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Sáb Set 12, 2009 7:21 pm | |
| Hihihih, eu só esperei o tempo certo dos melhores spoilers ^^
A proposito, Los Lobos ^^ detonam ^^ Eu tenho uma teoria de que sejam um dos ex-capitães... ^^ E suspostamente, do Aizen talvez xD | |
| | | Bentz Nível 4
Número de Mensagens : 592 Idade : 36 Jogos Ativos : 3 Personagens : 6 XP : 6646 Data de inscrição : 11/05/2009
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Sáb Set 12, 2009 9:04 pm | |
| Será? , não sei.. .. sinceramente penso que não mas como Kubo é totalmente imprevisível quem sabe né!? Afinal.. .. no Mundo Bleach everything is possible =D ..!!!! | |
| | | admin3 Admin
Número de Mensagens : 1732 Idade : 34 XP : 8529 Data de inscrição : 17/01/2009
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Ter Set 15, 2009 2:36 pm | |
| Kyuraku ^^ Quem diria... ^^ English Translation Source : 2chCredit : NjaVerification : ConfirmedCopied from BA and posted by czeriaんじゃ ◆bvOTKk1mXg :2009/09/14(月) 19:46:02 ID:5Vqg01x90 んでは 刺したのは京楽スタークの影から出てくる The one who stabbed was Kyouraku and he came out from Stark's shadow. 僕の能力は 童(こども)の遊びを現実にする能力 "My ability is to turn a child's play into reality" 影鬼なら影を踏まれたら負け 高鬼なら高いほうが勝ち~負ければ死勝てば生~ If you're the shadow-monster, you lose if your shadow gets stepped on. If you're the tall-monster, you win by being the taller one. You die if you lose and live if you win. (TN: I think this refers to some traditional Japanese children's games) 刀の名前~の領域に入ったら決められたルールで遊ばなきゃならない According to the naming of the sword, once you go into that area, you have no choice but to play by the rules. ルールや遊び方など刀自身が決める振り回されるんで大変なんだよ~ The rules and way to play is decided by the sword itself, and it's a chore to be pushed around by it~ 斬りあいが始まり イロ鬼 灰色 と京楽がスタークに攻撃 The duel is starting, "Iroki, haiiro" (Monster of color, gray) Kyouraku says and attacks Stark. スターク 切り落とされたような感覚だったがそんな傷じゃないな・・・ 俺の切られた場所は灰色・・・ しばらく悩み Stark: "Somehow even when i feel I've been cut down, I don't see that kind of wound... The part where I was cut is gray... a bit of a worry 京楽 おいおいどうしたんだい?君の番だよ色を指定して攻撃するんだ~ Kyouraku: Oi oi what are you doing? It's your turn, you have to a color to attack スターク (あいつには灰色が無い・・・)イロ鬼 白 Stark: (He doesn't have anything gray...) Monster of color, white. 京楽の顔色が変わり背中にかすり傷を負うがすさまじい血の量が吹き出る Kyouraku's expression changed and on his back was a splash-shaped wound and a tremendous amount of blood is sprayed out. 京洛 くそ 折角ルールをちょっとづつおしえて行こうと思ったんだけど そう自分自身も大ダメージを食らうが攻撃に転ずる際も, 弱点をいって攻撃すれば相手に特大のダメージを与えられる もうわかっちゃたのか・・・ だからあんたは やりづら!! Kyouraku: Shit. After all the pain of thinking about trying to explain the rules a bit at a time. To think about what will instead be a large damage to yourself and turn it to an attack. And you can your opponent a large blow by aiming for the weakness. You already understood it...This is why you're a pain in the ass!! (TN: Essentially to name the color you have on yourself, and do the damage to the opponent. This is why Stark was able to damage Shunsui badly by naming "white") スターク お互い様だ!! (なんで俺はこんな強いやつと戦わなければならないんだ?) Stark: Right back at you!! (Why do I have to fight someone this strong?) スターク回想へ 弱いやつが羨ましい 俺の周りに居たやつはすぐに骸になってしまう 寂しさから~自分の魂を2つにわけ~どっちが元だったか忘れちまった~ 弱いやつは羨ましい 群れの中で生きていける 俺と同じような強い仲間が入れば・・・ Stark's flashback I envy the weak ones. The ones around me will soon become corpses. Because of the loneliess, I have split my soul into two, I've already forgotten which one of us is the original. I envy the weak ones. They are able to live in groups. If someone as strong as me joined as my comrade... とっさに目の前にハッピが投げされそれを斬るスターク Stark cut across the Happi (Kyouraku's captain coat) that was thrown at him. 全身黒装束になった京楽が イロ鬼 黒! Kyouraku is now all in black. "Monster of color, Black!" とばっさりスタークを斬った所で Stark got cut open everywhere. 完です End. んじゃ ◆bvOTKk1mXg :2009/09/14(月) 20:45:20 ID:5Vqg01x90 どっちでしょう始解か卍解か・・・刀に別に変化は無かったように見えたのですが・・・ ただ刀に向かって話しかけてた時右手に持っていた刀に話しかけてた様な 気がします 左手の方はまた別な能力なんですかね~? Nja doesn't know if it's shikai or bankai, and there's no change in the shape of the sword. It's just that when Shunsui was talking and pointing with his sword, he was using his right hand. It's worth noting that maybe the sword on his left hand has other abilities? | |
| | | hallnoxx Moderador
Número de Mensagens : 1915 Idade : 40 Jogos Ativos : Ko Personagens : Ku XP : 8420 Data de inscrição : 22/10/2008
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Ter Set 22, 2009 1:59 pm | |
| Merda, ainda não tem Spoilers nem de Bleach e nem de Naruto >.< Acho que só lá pra mais tarde vai sair os primeiros >.< A maionese desandou de vez para Kishimoto, uma diarréia chamada Susanoo, o mais novo trunfo apelativo do autor, para salvar seu amado e polêmico personagem Sasuke-kun... O que importa mesmo, é que eu quero saber o que vai acontecer no "joguinho" do Kyouraku contra Starky >.< O Kubo Tite sempre surpreende, com idéias simples e diretas... ^^ Bleach rules >. | |
| | | hallnoxx Moderador
Número de Mensagens : 1915 Idade : 40 Jogos Ativos : Ko Personagens : Ku XP : 8420 Data de inscrição : 22/10/2008
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Qua Set 23, 2009 1:08 pm | |
| Eba! Saiu os Spoilers! xD ^^ BLEACH TÁ FODA XD Acho melhor vocês nem lerem esse spoilers ^^ O capitulo vai ter um impacto maior caso não leiam Merda, até me arrependi de ler - Spoiler:
Spoiler Translations Source: Ohana @ 2ch Credit: sheetz @ FLOLVerification: Confirmed スターク回想から あいぜんに拾ってもらう In Starrk's flashback he asks to join Aizen. 享楽、スタークやる Kyouraku kills Starrk. ラブ、享楽にお疲れさま、変わらないっすね Love thanks Kyouraku and says he hasn't changed うんちゃらかんちゃら and other stuff. 享楽 戦争なんて始めた瞬間から どっちも悪だよ Kyouraku says that once war begins the outcome will be bad either way. ハリベル リサと戦闘 Harribel and Lisa fight. ヒツガヤもひよりと応戦 Hitsugaya also has an exchange with Hiyori. 見てるアイゼン Aizen looks on. アイゼン もういいよ銀 Aizen: "That's enough, Gin. 終わりにしよう… Let's finish things..." ハリベル アイゼン様… Harribel: "Aizen-sama..." アイゼン、ハリベル切る。用済みだ 私の下で戦うには足りない Aizen cuts down Harribel. "I have no more use for you. You're not good enough to fight under me. 銀、要行くぞ Gin, Kaname, go." 終わり The end.
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| | | Bentz Nível 4
Número de Mensagens : 592 Idade : 36 Jogos Ativos : 3 Personagens : 6 XP : 6646 Data de inscrição : 11/05/2009
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Sex Set 25, 2009 9:30 am | |
| Bom.. .. .. , já que dizes então não irei lê-lo para não me arrepender >.< '' e aguardarei ansioso por esse "impactante" capítulo hoje =D ..!!!!Abraçuxs aeh XD ..!! .. .. .. fui..!!! | |
| | | admin3 Admin
Número de Mensagens : 1732 Idade : 34 XP : 8529 Data de inscrição : 17/01/2009
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Dom Set 27, 2009 3:32 pm | |
BLEACH dará um recessopara narrativa, para ser postado o EXP de todos os personagens.
Os jogadores que podem continuar postando o que puderem, se quiser, até a definição disto e apresentação do Segundo Arco.
Haverá entrada de novos personagens ^^ Uma nova aventura começará. Assim como a crescente ameaça ao mundo Shinigami. Segredos virão a tona. Efim. Só aguardem ^^.
Sem mais ^^
Admin3 | |
| | | Bentz Nível 4
Número de Mensagens : 592 Idade : 36 Jogos Ativos : 3 Personagens : 6 XP : 6646 Data de inscrição : 11/05/2009
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Seg Set 28, 2009 8:46 am | |
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| | | admin3 Admin
Número de Mensagens : 1732 Idade : 34 XP : 8529 Data de inscrição : 17/01/2009
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Qua Set 30, 2009 7:47 pm | |
| Spoiler da Semana xD ^^ Hihihihihi, vai ser interessante novamente xD ^^ - Spoiler:
Spoiler Script Soruce: FLOLCredit: Sheetz Verification: Confirmedexecution,extinction2 ハリベル、愛染攻撃、斬ったのは幻で背後から肩辺りを愛染に刺されそのまま落ちてくハリベル Harribel attacks Aizen, but the thing she cuts is an illusion and she's pierced in the shoulder region by him from behind. That's the way she falls. 愛染、「始めようか、13隊そして不出来な破面もどき達」 Aizen: "Shall we begin, Gotei 13 and the pseudo arrancar?" それを白がみて最後のエスパーダやられちゃったとポツリ。 Mashiro is by herself watching the last espada be defeated. その傍で倒れてるWWの指がピクリ。 Nearby the fallen WW flutters his fingers. それに拳西が声を上げる。白、わかってるってと襲いくるWWを廻し蹴りで一蹴。 Kensei calls out. She answers, "Right!" and kicks away WW, who was charging at her. 拳西、こいつらレベルの敵だと消耗が激しいから時間切れになる前に1度仮面取ってつけ直せと忠告するが、 Kensei says that against opponents of this level her energy will be depleted quickly so she should put away her mask for a bit to recover before her time runs out. 白、あたし普段どんだけ虚化できると思ってるの?15時間だよ!このまま夜中でもいけるよ! と言ってる間にWWが更に襲い掛かる、しつこい!と顔を掴んで叩きつける白。 She respondes, " Don't you know I always use my mask? 15 hours! I can even stay like this until midnight! As she says this WW once again tries to attack her. "Stubborn!" she yells as she grabs his face and punches him. それを耐えて、白のマフラーをつかんで投げるWW。 WW withstands that, grabs her scarf and tosses her. 両者更に激突。白が白スーパー虚閃!!っと蹴りで虚閃を放つがかき消すWW。 They clash some more, and then Mashiro does a Mashiro Super Cero. However WW erases it. 更に攻撃を加えようとする白だが、途中で仮面が半壊する。「やば、時間切れ?」 Mashiro tries attacking some more, but as she tries half her mask breaks away. "No way. I'm out of time?" そこへWWが顔面パンチ、更にパンチをするところで拳西がパンチを受け止める。 So WW punches her in the face. As he tries it again Kensei stops it. WW「あ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~・・・?」 WW: "Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh...?" 拳西「悪りぃな、俺はガキに加減できるほど大人じゃねえぞ・・・!」 Kensei: "Sorry, but I'm not the kind of adult who makes allowances for kids...!" で次週 Until next week. Links de imagens: http://www.imagebam.com/image/0abcbe50620628/http://www.imagebam.com/image/afc55950620632/http://www.imagebam.com/image/68bbf950620639/http://www.imagebam.com/image/db084150620652/http://www.imagebam.com/image/eb547250620656/http://www.imagebam.com/image/f0797550620678/
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| | | Lorelei Fake
Número de Mensagens : 742 Idade : 36 XP : 6813 Data de inscrição : 27/12/2008
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Qui Out 01, 2009 1:33 am | |
| Putz >..< Mashiro vai lutar >.< | |
| | | Bentz Nível 4
Número de Mensagens : 592 Idade : 36 Jogos Ativos : 3 Personagens : 6 XP : 6646 Data de inscrição : 11/05/2009
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Qui Out 01, 2009 9:05 am | |
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| | | Lorelei Fake
Número de Mensagens : 742 Idade : 36 XP : 6813 Data de inscrição : 27/12/2008
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Qua Out 07, 2009 6:20 pm | |
| Fufufufu, pra quem quiser ver os spoiler, o mangá dessa semana vai ser muita anarquia ^^ xD Spoiler Script Source: Ohana @ 2ch Credit: sheetz @ FLOL 377 Shout at the Dark 苺、上半身裸だ。 Ichigo, his upper is body unclothed. 永き因縁… 堅く握る拳にのせて、今… Eternal destiny...caught in a hard grip, now...(TN: This must be the side text.) けんせい、空中で白捕まえる。 Kensei catches Mashiro in midair. 白『け けんせい あたしのかたきうち…?へへ…』 Mashiro: "Ke, Kensei. Are you avenging me...? Hehe..." 白右顔面潰れて、口から血。 The right side of her mast is broken and blood flows from her mouth. ケンセイ『ナニ嬉しそうに言ってんだ バカ テメーが俺の忠告きかなかったからそうなったんだろが そんなアホの仇なんか誰が討つか』 Kensei: "What are you so happy about? Why would I do that when you were dumb enough to ignore my warnings? Who would attack the enemy of a fool like that?" ケンセイ『調子に乗ってるガキにちょっとゲンコツくらわしてやるだけだ』 Kensei: "I'm just shoving my fist into this showoff kid." アーウーが寄ってくる WW comes. ケンセイ『卍解』 Kensei: "Bankai!" ケンセイの刀は短剣。 His sword is a dagger. 『鐵拳 断風』 見た目はチャドの右手みたいになる。刀は メリケンみたいな "Iron Fist Cutting Wind" turns into something looking like Chad's right arm. The sword looks like a fist. 場面かわりアイゼン Scene switches to Aizen. ヒヨリ仮面取れはじめる Hiyori begins to remove her mask. ヒツガヤ、ラブ、ローズ、ハッチ、ソイフォン 棒立ち。 Hitsugaya, Love, Rose Hacchi, Soifon are standing around. 平子『迂闊に近づかんとけよ。アイゼンのあの能力や 考え無しに近づいたらその時点で終いやど』 Hirako: "Don't approach carelessly. With Aizen's ability, getting close without thinking would be the end." ヒヨリ『わかっとるわ』 Hiyori: "I know." 平子『アホ お前に言うてんねん 柄から力抜け ひより』 Hirako: "Fool. I'm talking to you. Loosen your grip, Hiyori" アイゼン『流石 思いやり深い言葉だ 平子隊長』 Aizen: "As expected, profound words of sympathy, Captain Hirako." ヒヨリ『!』イラついた顔 Hiyori makes an irritated face. 平子『ひより!』 Hirako: "Hiyori!" アイゼン『だが 迂闊に近づいたら終わりとは 滑稽に響くな 迂闊に近づこうが 慎重に近づこうが 或いは全く近づかずとも全ての結末は同じこと 未来の話などしていない Aizen: "'But saying that it'll be over if you approach. Don't try to be funny. Approaching carelessly or cautiously, or even not at all, the conclusion will be the same. I'm not creating your future story. 君たちの終焉など 既に逃れようのない 過去の事実なのだから』 It's already too late for you to escape your demise because of the facts from the past." ラブ、ローズ イラつく Love and Rose are irritated too. 平子『挑発や!乗るな!!』 Hirako: "He's trying to provoke you! Don't in!!" アイゼン『何を恐れる事が有る? Aizen: "Is there something you're afraid of? 百年前のあの夜に 君達は既に死んでいるというのに』 Even though on that night a hundred years ago all of you died already." ひよりキレてアイゼンにむかう。 Hiyori angrily moves toward Aizen. 平子止める『ひよりっ!!!』 Hirako stops her. "Hiyori!!" ひより刀を振りかざす~~~ Hiyori raises her sword. 真っ二つ。 She's split in 2. ひより自分で下半身が落ちていくのを見てる Hiyori sees the bottom half of her body fall away. 後ろからギンの伸びる刀が… She was sliced from behind by Gin's extended sword. 『お一人様 おー終い』 Gin: "The customer is finished." [TN: Gin literally says "one person is finished," but he talks like he's a restaurant worker and Hiyori is the customer. Gin speaks in Kansai dialect and characters who speak that dialect are often portrayed as shopkeepers, so this may be Kubo's way of poking fun at that stereotype.] 平子『ひより!!!』 Hirako: "Hiyorii!!!" 駆け寄り、上半身を掴む(抱き抱える) He rushes over and holds her upper body. ひより、声たえたえ(虫の息) Hiyori, with faith breath: 『ご… ゴメンな… …シンジ… ウチ…ガマンできひんかった』 "I'm sorry...Shinji...I couldn't stand it..." 平子愕然 Hirako is shocked. 平子『ハッチ!!!』 Hirako: "Hacchi!!!" ハッチの右手が使えないことに気づく He notices that Hacchi can't use his right arm. 織姫思い出す。 He remembers Orihime. 平子『せや… 織姫ちゃんの能力やったら まだ治せる…! 一護!!! 一護はまだ… 戻って来えへんのか…!! 一護!!!!』 Hirako: "That's right...with Orihime-chan's ability we can still cure you...! Ichigo!!! Ichigo still hasn't returned...? Ichigo!!!" 一護飛んでる2ページ Two page spread of Ichigo leaping. 煽りは 間に合うか…!? Text says, "Will he bein in time...!?" で終わり。です。 The end. | |
| | | Bentz Nível 4
Número de Mensagens : 592 Idade : 36 Jogos Ativos : 3 Personagens : 6 XP : 6646 Data de inscrição : 11/05/2009
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Qua Out 14, 2009 11:28 pm | |
Ichigo e "0" finalmente se enfrentam *.* .. enjoy gurizada =D ..- Spoiler:
Spoiler Bleach 378
Get latest bleach 378 spoiler pics and summaries here.
Bleach Chapter 378: “Eyes of the victor” Cover page is Ichigo. Credit: Ohana 2ch, Sheetz FLOL Verification: Confirmed
Yammi tries to crush Rukia in his released state. With the last bit of her strength, Rukia does ‘Pale Fire Crash’ (Bakudo 33) It’s slightly effective on Yammi and he drops her to the ground. As she’s going to hit the ground Ichigo arrives.
Ichigo repels Yammi’s cero. He explains to Rukia that Orihime is fixing Ishida’s hand. Ichigo avoids Yammi’s punch with shunpo. He tells Rukia that he’ll finish quickly and head to the real world. Then they fight.
Rukia says that Ichigo’s eyes aren’t those of somebody who has won a battle. And that something happened up on top of the dome. Ichigo attacks and becomes the creature that defeated Ulquiorra. He uses Tensa Zangetsu The end.
More from Ohana
When Ichigo arrives he’s shown to be underweight. There’s more text than usual. The pictures are a bit small. Where Rukia falls to the ground Ichigo is somehow there in a cloud of dust.
She says the pics are smaller, but the last picture of ichigo is a large 2 page spread Yammi has captured Rukia.
Chad and Renji are already down on their knees. Yammi and Rukia have an exchange and he’s about to pound her into the ground, when Ichigo saves her and says he’s going to hurry up and finish this trivial battle.
Rukia says something like: “That guy’s rank…isn’t the same as the rank of the guy you defeated.” The 3 go off and watch the fight from a distance. It doesn’t appear they will be involved.
Ichigo says he’s going to quickly defeat him and then go to the real world. He dons his mask and the chapter ends.
You can only see a bit at the end, but it looks like Ichigo’s mask has a horn. Maybe the one from before?
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| | | kelavra Nível 7
Número de Mensagens : 1509 Idade : 39 XP : 7951 Data de inscrição : 25/11/2008
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Sex Out 16, 2009 11:20 am | |
| Pessoal foi mal por ontem, teve uma suceção de imprevisto e não deu pra logar de tarde e nem de noite, masi eu atualizei os posts e baixei o manga do bleach e naruto ^^, mas só apareço na ufam lá pelas cinco horas ^^".
P.S.: a Alessa pediu pra avisar que deixou post pro bentz e hall ^^.
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| | | admin3 Admin
Número de Mensagens : 1732 Idade : 34 XP : 8529 Data de inscrição : 17/01/2009
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Qua Out 28, 2009 7:05 pm | |
| ^^ Spoilers xD ...
________________________________________________________ Source : FLOL Credits : sheetz Status : Confirm Translation: Braziliam Portuguese
扉絵は 剣八と白夜さんでした。 Cover is Kenpachi and Byakuya A capa é Kenpachi e Byakuya 今回は・・・ 簡単にいうと This will be brief. Isso vai ser breve. ヤミーそっちのけで(剣八はヤミーに殴られ吹っ飛ばされますが ハエみたいなパンチで温いんだよで終わり) Yammi focuses on fighting Kenpachi. (Kenpachi is blown away by Yammi but it's a weak punch.) Yammi foca em lutar com Kenpachi. (Kenpachi é jogado longe por Yammi mas foi um soco fraco.) 途中顔がキモイマユリ?wが登場し In the middle of this Mayuri shows up. No meio de tudo Mayuri aparece ここの実験施設を解析しいつでもゲートを開けるマシンを作ったと長々説明し He explains that he has with him a machine he made that can open the gates whenever he wants. Ele explica que trouxe uma maquina que ele fez que pode abrir um portao quando ele quiser. マユリ 黒崎イチゴお前は現世へちゃんといけるか実験体一号になってもらう Mayuri: "Kurosaki Ichigo, by properly making it to the real world you'll become my #1 test subject." Mayuri: "Kurosaki Ichigo, voce chegando corretamente no mundo real voce será minha 1ª cobaia." 卯の花隊長が現れ 私も現世にいきます といい Unohana appears and says she wants to go to the real world, too. Unohana aparece e diz que quer ir pro mundo real tambem. マユリ おやおや四番隊隊長さんみずから私の実験の実験体に失敗しても知りませんよ?と皮肉っぽくいい Mayuri: "Oh dear, if the 4th Division Captain is my test subject herself, she won't know if I've made a mistake." Mayuri: "oh queria, se a Capitã da 4º Divisao for minha cobaia, ela nao vai saber se eu cometi um erro." 負けじと 卯の花隊長が この実験失敗はありませんは絶対に成功します。だって失敗して浦原さんの耳に入ったら小ばかにされて笑われてしまうでしょうからね といいあい Undaunted, she replies, "There definitely won't be a mistake. If there was and if Urahara-san heard then he'd make fun of you." Sem duvidas, ela responde, "Definitivamente nao terá erros. Se tiver e se Urahara-san souber entao ele vai zoar voce." イチゴ しかしあいつはやばい(ヤミーに対して) Ichigo: But those guys are in trouble (against Yammi.) Ichigo: Mas esses caras estao em encrenca (contra Yammi.) 白夜 兄はなんとか町の死神代行だろ・・・兄の町の守るのが兄の仕事だろ Byakuya: "You are the substitute shinigami of that town...so it's your duty to guard it." Byakyua: "Voce é o shinigami substituto daquela cidade... entao é o seu dever protege-la. イチゴ !!!!!!! Ichigo: !!!!! イチゴ わかったいってくると卯の花さんとワープする所で完です Ichigo says he understands and warps away with Unohana. That's the end. Ichigo diz que entende e é teleportado com Unohana. Isso é o fim. | |
| | | Bentz Nível 4
Número de Mensagens : 592 Idade : 36 Jogos Ativos : 3 Personagens : 6 XP : 6646 Data de inscrição : 11/05/2009
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Qui Dez 03, 2009 6:06 pm | |
O "trio ternura" finalmente começa o terror da batalha final, guardem suas espectativas e estejam confiantes =D - Spoiler:
Bleach Chapter 384: “Can't Fear Your Own Sword” Cover page is Tousen. Credit: Ohana 2ch, Sheetz FLOL Verification: Confirmed
遂に自ら動きだした藍染…!!一方、東仙が明かす力の正体とは果たして…!? At last, Aizen himself moves...!! Meanwhile, Tousen reveals the true nature of his power, could it be..!?
狛『東仙… まさか貴様…!』 Koma: Tousen.... Impossible, you...!
檜佐木びっくり 東仙左手を顔に~~~ Hisagi looks surprised. Tousen raises his left hand to his face~~~
狛『… 東仙…!! そこまで堕ちたか!!東仙!!!!』 Koma: .... Tousen...!! Have you fallen that far!! Tousen!!!!
檜『… …隊長…!!』 Hisagi:... .... Captain.. !!
白き絶望…!! White despair...!!
BLEACH 384 - Can't Fear Your Own Sword
東仙、空中に仁王立ち Tousen, stands in the sky against two guardians
檜『ホロウ化… それはホロウ化ですか東仙隊長…!!』 Hisagi: Hollowification... Is that hollowification, Tousen-taichou..!!
東『そうだ』 Tousen: Indeed 檜『…どうして…』 Hisagi: ... Why....
無言で東仙、檜佐木を切る Silently, Tousen slashes Hisagi.
檜『え…』 Hisagi: Eh....
狛『檜佐木!!』 Koma: Hisagi!!
狛『天ケン!!!』東仙に切りかかる Koma: Tenken!!! (Tousen is trapped while slashing)
東仙、止める Stop this, Tousen
狛『何!!!』 Koma: What is this!!!
東仙、狛村左脇に蹴り Tousen kicks Komamura from the left side
狛(何だ…この…… この力は…) Koma (What... is this... this power is...)
狛村落ちていく Komamura starts falling
東『…おかしなものだな… お前達が仲間とする あの半死神の少年も 同じホロウ化の能力を持っている筈だ 私がその力を手にする事が それほど蔑まなければならない事か?』 Tousen: How odd... That you would become nakama with that half-shinigami boy as well, who has the same hollowification ability. I only took that power with my own hands, do you despise it so much?
ボロボロ狛『彼は… 黒崎一護は望んでホロウ化した訳ではない… だが貴公は違う… 貴公は死神として充分な実力を持ちながら自らその道を踏み外したのだ…!!貴公のそれは 堕落だ 東仙…!!』 Beaten up Komamura: I... Kurosaki Ichigo had no reason to want hollowification... That's why you're different. You already had enough power as a shinigami, yet for yourself you've lost your path! Yours is simply that of corruption, Tousen...!!
東『堕落だと? 死神からホロウに近づく事が何故堕落だ? それは死神とホロウを正邪で分ける矮小な二元論から 出る言葉だ』 Tousen: Corruption? Why should crossing over from shinigami to hollow be a corruption? Those are words applicable only for the duality of those who differentiate shinigami from hollows.
狛『違う! 仲間を裏切り友を裏切り部下を裏切ってまでも 過ぎた力を手にしようとする事が堕落だと言って いるのだ!!』 Koma: No! Only for those who would betray their own friends and subordinates, only for the sake of greater power, that much is corruption, that is what I'm telling you!!
東『…狛村…』 Tousen: ...Komamura... 東『!!』 Tousen: !!
東仙の首に、死風の鎖がまかれる A chain winds itselt around Tousen's neck.
檜佐木、東仙を押し倒し首を押える Hisagi takes Tousen down by applying pressure on his neck.
東『…踏み込みが浅かったか …私も甘いな』 Tousen: Breaking into my guard that easily ... I was naive as well
檜『…いえ 俺が反射的に半歩かわしたんです Hisagi: ... no, I held back out out of habit.
剣を抜いて立つ時は常に半歩かわせるように構える―… To stand without my sword, to supress it had always been part of my style
東仙隊長 あなたの教えです』 Tousen-taichou, it's what you've always taught me
檜佐木の回想 Hisagi's memory
東『…どうした 檜佐木 こんな所に呼び出して… 私に話とは一体何だ?』 Tousen: ... Why, Hisagi, did you call me out to this place?... What did you want to talk to me about?
檜『…東仙隊長… 俺を… 席官の座から外して下さい…!』 Hisagi: ...Tousen-taichou.... I... Wanted to talk outside of our authority positions...!
東『…何かと思えば… 昨日の演習のミスなら気にするな 最初は誰でもあんなものだ』 Tousen: .... Why would you think that... Was it yesterday's mistake in practice? Don't worry so much, any beginner is likely to fail the first time.
檜『違うんです!! あの時俺が出遅れたのはミスでも不注意でもない… 俺は… 怖かったんです…! 俺は昔演習で現世に行って そこで右目に傷を負いました… ダメなんです… それ以来… 刀を抜く度 敵に対う度 必ず気持が半歩さがってしまう…! 東仙隊長 俺… 俺は戦いが怖い…!!』 Hisagi: No, it wasn't!! At that time, my mistake due to hesitation was not careless at all... I.. I was frightened...! I've practiced before in the real world... That was where I got injured in my right eye... That's why... To surpass that level of power, to oppose the enemy, I had to hold back my power..! Tousen-taichou, I... I am afraid of battle...!!
檜『あの時 あなたはこう言った ”だから君は席官でいるべきなのだ” 』 Hisagi: At that time, "That is why you must serve as a seated officer", you said.
回想 flashback
東『戦士にとって最も大切なものは力ではない 戦いを怖れる心だ 戦いを怖れるからこそ 同じく戦いを怖れる者達の為に 剣を握って戦える 自分の握る剣にすら怯えぬ者に剣を握る資格はない 檜佐木 お前が本当に心から戦いを怖れているのなら』 Tousen: To become a soldier, power is not the important thing. The heart's fear of battle, because you are afraid of battle, for the sake of that same fear, you grip your sword and fight. You do not need anything else but be afraid of that sword that you hold. Hisagi, if you could truly be afraid of battle from the depths of your heart.
檜『お前は既に戦士として かけがえの無いものを手にしているのだ…! …俺は… 俺には解りません東仙隊長… あの言葉を言ったあなたが… 何故力の為に全てを捨てたんですか…! 今のあなたは… 一体何を怖れていると言うんですか!!』 Hisagi: It was already too late for you to be a soldier, there is no replacement for what I hold in my hands...! I... I don't understand, Tousen-taichou... Was the you who said all those words.... Why did you throw away everything for the sake of power..! This you, before me... What is it that you fear, tell me!!
東仙、無言で檜佐木刺す。 Tousen, silently stabs Hisagi.
檜『…東…せん… 隊長……』 Hisagi:... Tou...sen...Taichou...
檜佐木 ビル上から落ちていく Hisagi falls to the top of a building.
東『…怖れているあ 私の恐怖は百年前から お前達死神と同化して死ぬことだ』 Tousen: .... afraid of what... My fear, from a hundred years ago is to be assimilated with you shinigami and die as such
狛『…卍解 黒縄天ゲン明王』 Komamura:.... Bankai. Black cord and heavenly sword of the bright king(?)
仁義…ッ!! Humanity and justice...!!
終わり。サーセイ★ The end.
Resumo feito por mim de tão interessante que este cap. está:
Desde o último capítulo, Tousen coloca a mão em seu rosto.Komamura e Shuuhei estão apreensivos.A máscara aparece no rosto de Tousen.
"Tousen ... Como você pode ...?"
Hirako fica furioso, Aizen diz que nenhum deles poderá vencê-lo. Hirako é cercado por Aizen. Hirako recua e tenta parar um ataque de Aizen.
Ichimaru Gin segura sua zanpakutou enquanto fala: "Então você veio ..." Hitsugaya está em suas costas, ele então fala:"Eu vim para exterminá-lo"
Ambos cruzam suas espadas.
No fim, temos uma página dupla com Aizen X Hirako, Tousen X Komamura e Hitsugaya X Gin.
"Finalmente, a luta final começou! ^^"
A luta entre Gin e Hytsugaya para mim é a mais esperada *.* .. veremos tessai versus tessai caraca meu vai ser shoooowwww XD..!! | |
| | | admin3 Admin
Número de Mensagens : 1732 Idade : 34 XP : 8529 Data de inscrição : 17/01/2009
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Seg Dez 07, 2009 8:13 pm | |
| Pessoal. Estou sem net wifi desde sabado, ela chegou a pegar na segunda pela tarde, mas infelizmente caiu no começo da noite e algo me diz que vai ficar assim por toda terça normalizando só na quarta.
Desculpa se eu esqueci de atualizar o post de alguem,
Sem mais,
Admin 3
Obs: Sem palpites sobre os confrontos do próximo do cap de Bleach, Bentz, ja começou anarquia do grupo do Aizen xD. | |
| | | admin3 Admin
Número de Mensagens : 1732 Idade : 34 XP : 8529 Data de inscrição : 17/01/2009
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Seg Dez 14, 2009 9:05 pm | |
| Bem, falando de Bleach...
Bentz, faça uma bolsa de apostas para essas 3 lutas que estão acontecendo Karakura xD
^^ | |
| | | admin3 Admin
Número de Mensagens : 1732 Idade : 34 XP : 8529 Data de inscrição : 17/01/2009
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Ter Jan 26, 2010 8:06 pm | |
| Caraca, o que aconteceu com o Paulo???
Pessoal, vou esperar mais um tempinho antes de postar definitavamente para todos do 4º Bantai, por isso paciência...
Acredito que ainda hoje ou amanhã, já deixo atualizado, e só tow esperando por que eu não quero ele fique reclamando que eu estou atropelando ações...
¬¬ Ja tow pensando até em ligar pra ele, vcs acreditam...? | |
| | | hallnoxx Moderador
Número de Mensagens : 1915 Idade : 40 Jogos Ativos : Ko Personagens : Ku XP : 8420 Data de inscrição : 22/10/2008
| Assunto: Re: Sala de Chá do Las Noches Ter Jul 19, 2011 5:11 pm | |
| Pessoal, avisos rápidos!
Bleach irá retornar após eu encerrar o Point Ville. Peço paciência ainda e compreensão de todos, pois não estou totalmente de férias, pois apesar da facul, o estágio no colégio continua a todo vapor.
Mas tentarei fazer as coisas gradualmente e quem sabe semana que vem já retome. Bleach não terá mudanças. O sistema vai continuar como estava. Apenas peço para os jogadores que participavam fiquem atento ao tópico "Re-Capitulação", que será atualizado brevemente, explicando como as coisas terminaram e como os personagens estão.
Creio que essa semana ainda saíra este tópico. A propósito, irei "enxugar" alguns jogadores que não estão mais participando. Claro, farei o possível pra deixar personagens em "off", para não prejudicá-los numa possível volta.
Para jogadores novos, é só ler os tópicos e vou avisar criar um especial colocando que só será aberto agora vagas para a cidade de Karakura. Por tanto, se forem pensar numa história, que seja voltado para este cenário.
Por enquanto é isso. Grato pela compreensão. | |
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